Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Printed Literature in pcra

Printed Literature
PCRA publishes booklets/ leaflets /posters/stickersin various regional languages giving simple tips on oil conservation in Transport, Domestic, Industrial and Agriculture sectors. These booklets are available in all PCRA Offices and are given free on request. In addition to this, technical literature is also available at a nominal cost.
Download Litrature
No.Name of Booklet / LeafletLanguageSectorDownload
Corporate Profile

EnglishCorporateClick to download
2.Fuel Efficiency in Transport SectorEnglishTransportClick to download
3.Driver Training ProgrmEnglishTransportClick to download
4.Driver Training ProgrmHindiTransportClick to download
5.How to reduce fuel consumption for your 2- wheelerEnglishTransportClick to download
6.How to reduce fuel consumption for your 2- wheelerHindiTransportClick to download
7.Save Energy for a secure futureEnglishChildrenClick to download
8.Industrial Energy Conservation begins with Energy AuditEnglishIndustrialClick to download
9.Save Energy For Secure FutureEnglishChildrenClick to download
Free Litrature available
No.Name of Booklet / LeafletBrief DescriptionSectorLanguage
1.Get more mileage per litre with PCRA’s simple petrol saving tips (for motorists)
Click here to view
This is a leaflet containing 14 simple tips on saving petrol and increasing mileage.TransportEnglish /Hindi & 10 Regional Languages
2.Tested approaches to save diesel in buses and trucks
Click here to view
This is a useful book for heavy vehicle drivers. The book contains simple tips for better driving and maintenance of vehicles.TransportEnglish /Hindi
3.Make gas and kerosene last longer with PCRA’s simple fuel saving tips
Click here to view
It is a leaflet containing brief description on good cooking habits and simple fuel saving tips.DomesticEnglish /Hindi & 10 Regional Languages
4.7 simple ways of saving diesel in lift irrigation pumps
Click here to view
This is a useful leaflet for farmers describing simple ways of saving diesel in lift irrigation pump sets.AgricultureEnglish /Hindi & 10 Regional Languages
5.10 commandments of saving diesel in tractors
Click here to view
This leaflets is also aimed at agriculture sector and contains 10 simple tips for saving diesel in tractors.AgricultureEnglish /Hindi & 10 Regional Languages
6.Tips for conservation of energy in Industries
Click here to view
This is useful leaflet for industrialists describing simple ways of saving energy for various equipments and devices in their Industry.IndustrialEnglish/Hindi
Note :10 Regional Languages are : Punjabi,Bengali,Assammee,Oriya,Gujarati,Marathi,Tamil,Telugu,Malyalam & Kannad
Priced Litrature available in PCRA
(Set of 7 booklets on thermal ) Rs 15 /- per booklet or Rs 100/- per set
No.Name of Booklet / LeafletBrief DescriptionSectorLanguage
1.Storage,handling & preparation of fuel oilThis book contains information about oil storage, handling and preparation of fuel oil in Industries. Various other aspects which have significance in Plants/ Industries have also been covered in the book.IndustrialEnglish
Combustion of fuel oils & Burners-operation and maintenance
This booklet explains the principles of effective combustion and provides guidelines for the proper selection and maintenance of fuel oil burners.
3.Efficient generation of steam
In this booklet, tips for boiler users have been explained on how to economize on fuel oil consumption.
4.Efficient utilization of steam
In this booklet, an attempt has been made to disseminate some key measures, which can be readily followed and implemented to improve steam distribution and utilization in industries.
5.Fuel economy in furnaces and waste heat recovery
The book explains how the efficiency of furnaces can be better assessed by adopting the tips given in this booklet.
This booklet covers the types of refractories, their properties and applications, and how they may be applied to give better fuel efficiency and service life.
Thermal Insulation
The booklet covers the types and forms of thermal insulation, methods and application of insulation, selection of lagging material etc. which can be helpful in achieving substantial savings in energy consumption.
(Set of 5 booklets on Electrical ) Rs 30 /- per booklet or Rs 150/- per set
No.Name of Booklet / LeafletBrief DescriptionSectorLanguage
1.Energy Saving in electric MotorsThis book contains information and details about Electric motors & Energy Saving in Electirc motors.IndustrialEnglish
Energy Saving in Electric Furnaces
This booklet explains the ways to save Energy in Electric Furnaces and also have details of Electric furnaces
3.Energy Saving in Compressed Air System
This book contains information and details about Compressed Air System & Energy Saving in Compressed Air System.
4.Energy Saving in Pump,Fans & Variable Speed Drives
This book contains information and details about Pump,Fans & Variable Speed Drives & Energy Saving in Pump,Fans & Variable Speed Drives.
5.Energy Saving in refrigeratre & AC
This book contains information and details about refrigeratre & AC & Energy Saving in refrigeratre & AC.

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